With an award from the Co.act Activate Fund, MILLENNIALS-VS-EVERYBODY and Operation Refuge partnered with EarlyWorks to help build on their idea of restorative relationships as a tool to facilitate connections between civically minded millennials and local nonprofits looking to energize their community networks. EarlyWorks utilized an iterative, shared leadership model to develop a relationship accelerator program: Millennials 4 Nonprofits (M4NP).
Thought-partnership and program design with the intention of sustainability and scaling.
Identifying circles of influence and tools to recruit the members to the first cohort.
Convening the first 12-member intergenerational cohort.
Planning and facilitation for two programmatic events.
Program branding and developing promotional materials, e.g., video, logo and a microsite.
Data collection and analysis to refine M4NP into a revenue generating program.