All in systems level

Stepping off the Struggle Bus and into Radical Possibility

Those of us who have been working to make things better for children in Detroit know the statistics. We don’t need to look up the rate of children living in concentrated poverty, those failing to reach reading proficiency by the end of third grade, the percentage of students who are chronically absent from school…Instead of telling the story of the communities we serve through depressing statistics, we can frame the work around what is possible.


Photo by DJ Johnson on Unsplash

How to Bolster a Movement with a Story System

Introducing our Ideas on Loan series! For a variety of reasons, some of our best ideas are never implemented. This series a eulogy to those ideas that never saw the light of day, sourced from real life (the names have been changed to protect the innocent). In sharing them, we hope they inspire you, spurring a potential approach to a challenge you are facing in your work.


Talent Retention: 4 Ideas for Keeping Those Hard-Won Quality Hires

This is the second in a two-part series about talent attraction and retention and employer branding focused on capacity-constrained industries.

The lessons we learned from the early childhood education space are summarized here and can provide insights useful for other capacity-constrained industries such as rural health care, entrepreneurial and small business technical assistance providers, and nonprofits in general.


7 Strategies for Talent Recruitment in Capacity-Constrained Industries

This is the first in a two-part series about talent attraction and retention and employer branding focused on capacity-constrained industries.

The lessons we learned from the early childhood education space are summarized here and can provide insights useful for other capacity-constrained industries such as rural health care, entrepreneurial and small business technical assistance providers, and nonprofits in general.