Talent Retention: 4 Ideas for Keeping Those Hard-Won Quality Hires

This is the second in a two-part series about talent attraction and retention and employer branding focused on capacity-constrained industries.

The lessons we learned from the early childhood education space are summarized here and can provide insights useful for other capacity-constrained industries such as rural health care, entrepreneurial and small business technical assistance providers, and nonprofits in general.


7 Strategies for Talent Recruitment in Capacity-Constrained Industries

This is the first in a two-part series about talent attraction and retention and employer branding focused on capacity-constrained industries.

The lessons we learned from the early childhood education space are summarized here and can provide insights useful for other capacity-constrained industries such as rural health care, entrepreneurial and small business technical assistance providers, and nonprofits in general.


They Need You (In Other Words, Don’t Rule Yourself Out)

This is the second in an ongoing series about increasing the participation of women and underestimated groups in governance roles.

This topic struck a chord. Since last week’s post about the power of three, I’ve had a few dozen conversations with women of all ages, career stages and points of view. Some are already on a path to a retirement career of corporate governance. Others are in what might be termed the first trimester of their career (h/t to Anne Chow of AT&T for framing a career in such a powerful way).


The 25th Hour of the Day

A small business needs help to thrive and grow. And, that help needs to be an arm’s length away, because really, that’s as far as we can reach for a while.

We noticed a gap in the entrepreneurial service market specific to strategic marketing. In response, we’ve developed a technical assistance offering that we’re calling the 25th Hour Package.